Pool Rules Reminder

Posted By on June 21, 2023

A friendly reminder now that Summer 2023 has finally arrived on some important pool rules for the safety and enjoyment of all residents:

  1. The swimming pool, spa, and restroom facilities are for the exclusive use of owners, tenants, and their guests. Guests must always be accompanied by a resident with a fob. Children under the age of 14 cannot use the pool area without an adult in attendance.
  2. No lifeguard is on duty and the homeowner assumes full responsibility for themselves and guests. Residents are responsible for any damage caused by their guest to Seabridge property or another person’s property.
  3. Pool area is always to remain locked and never propped/taped/blocked open. Exit and entrance to the pool area is required through the provided entrances with a gate fob. Securely and completely close all gates and doors upon leaving the pool or restroom areas.
  4. No pets are allowed in the pool or pool area. This rule also applies to the tennis courts. Please keep pets off the courts and out of the pool area.
  5. Smoking is not allowed in the Pool Area and restroom facilities. Alcohol is not permitted in the pool or tennis court areas. The use of glassware or glass bottles in the pool area is prohibited.
  6. Private lessons are not allowed in the pool or tennis courts. Functions involving commercial or for-profit activity are prohibited.

Homeowners are advised to consult the Association Rules and Regulations for the complete list.


3300 Sparkler Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Management Team

Jennifer Villarreal | jvillarreal@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Katie Greer | kgreer@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303